Kuaha Matihiko

Derrylea Hardy

Research Officer, Find Data

Dec 26, 2023         /          4 min read

The Kuaha Matihiko Digital Gateway

Introduction to Kuaha Matihiko: Digital Gateway Project

The Kuaha Matihiko: Digital Gateway project aims to build a comprehensive online tool that provides access to New Zealand’s rich repository of land and water data. The online tool, FIND DATA, is tailored to serve the diverse needs of its users, providing fast and efficient access to vital information on land and water data.

In early April 2023, more than 400 responses were received to the initial survey, with 250 people from various agencies and organizations signing up to receive updates. This registered group will have access to prototypes of the Gateway as they are developed and will help co-design the Gateway through ongoing survey feedback. Illuminating feedback was gathered from the initial survey; some key findings are shown below.

Project Vision and User Support

The vision is that FIND DATA will contribute to the sustainable management of land and water resources in New Zealand. It aims to support informed decision-making for environmental consultants, Māori environmental groups, policy-makers, researchers, and other data-users alike.

Collaborative Efforts and User-Centric Design

FIND DATA is a strategic collaboration between Waka Digital, Massey University, and AgResearch. The project team has engaged with stakeholders through co-design wānanga, surveys, and case-studies, developing a user-centric designed interface with cutting-edge AI technology.

Strategic Development and Market Exploration

By December 2023, a strategic roadmap will be developed to transition from the current FIND DATA Minimum Viable Product (MVP) stage to a sustainable long-term position. The project team is also exploring the value proposition of FIND DATA to potential users and the national/international market size and potential.

Data Uploading and Accessibility

Over 12,000 publicly available land and water datasets with associated metadata have been uploaded, with datasets from www.data.govt.nz being targeted as the initial data resource for the platform.

Data Uploading and Accessibility

Over 12,000 publicly available land and water datasets with associated metadata have been uploaded, with datasets from www.data.govt.nz being targeted as the initial data resource for the platform.

Enhancing User Experience with AI Technology

An AI-enhanced search precision component has been developed to enhance the end-user experience of FIND DATA, providing personalised experiences tailored to the specific land and data needs of different end-users.

User Testing and Feedback Collection

A pool of end users tested the alpha version of the MVP, contributing to refining the AI’s understanding and response capabilities. Feedback from these tests is being used to make iterative improvements to the FIND DATA tool.

Next Steps and Beta Testing

The next steps include onboarding additional end-user testers for the beta version of the FIND DATA prototype. The role of these beta testers will be to provide feedback on priority datasets and to improve the usability of the tool.

Invitation for Beta Testing

Invitations for beta testing will soon be sent out to interested parties. Those interested in testing the beta version of the tool are encouraged to go to FIND DATA..

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